Monday, September 24, 2007

Welcome to the CPA Recruiter Blog

September 24, 2007
Welcome to The CPA Recruiter blog. I started this blog for several reasons, one is self-serving I'll admit. I am a recruiter after all and I might as well be honest. I am hoping that this blog will provide an outlet for anyone interested in the field of public accounting and CPA's who are passively looking for new public accounting opportunities to feel comfortable in discussing what they are looking for and comfortable with me helping them find it.

Secondly, I would seriously like to provide information to anyone interested in public accounting and all CPA's in public accounting (or thinking about returning to public accounting) to help them decide to make a lifelong career in this industry. This will include information provided from all levels (Associate to Partner) in all firms (Sole Proprietor to Big 4).

Lastly, I would like to provide an unbiased forum for discussing all public accounting firms - large and small - and what makes them all so special. This is not a site for "trashing" other firms. Every firm is unique in its' culture and client base. Finding the right fit is the key to having a successful career in public accounting.

Public accountants should know that they are in a unique situation in the current worldwide marketplace. There aren't enough public accountants to go around for the current demand - this, on top of the employment black hole soon-to-be created by retiring baby-boomers. For the public accounting industry to grow and thrive, we all need to find a way to bring more talented people into this field and debunk all of the myths about working in public accounting (100% travel, no life, no path to partner, etc.). I hope this site becomes a link to bringing more people into and keeping more talented professionals in public accounting.
The CPA Recruiter

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